Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Good Life

I despise New Year's Resolutions. In fact, I barely acknowledge the New Year in any way. However, I have been feeling a bit stuck in a rut lately and, as with this blog, wondered if the New Year wasn't a good a time to do something about it. My objections to Resolutions are mainly due to the clichéd nature of them....'I will give up...whatever it is that I enjoy but feel guilty about' seems to be what's expected. Well, give me a rule and I like to disagree with it and tell me not to do something and you will probably find me soon afterwards doing it.

So, my non-Resolution is more positive. I have resolved to change my way of approaching the things in my life that I am dissatisfied with. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I will try to be positive. Anyone who knows me will tell you that focusing on being positive is most unlike me, I generally take great pleasure in negatives. I started yesterday, as promised, by sitting down and making my 'To-Do List' (all great endeavours should begin with a list!). 

I won't bore you by publishing the would take too long anyway. Suffice it to say that the 'to-dos' are many. Some are short-term, others longer-term but all have one thing in common and that is to move me and mine closer to The Good Life. One of my favourite TV programmes, enjoyed many years ago as a child and now once again thanks to the great God of box-sets. Since today is Wikipedia-free, I will briefly explain that The Good Life was a popular Seventies sitcom about a middle class suburban couple who change their lives completely and set out to try and achieve self-sufficiency, right down to weaving their own cloth for clothes and running an effluence digester in the basement to generate their own power. Well, no, before you ask, I am not about to enrol in evening classes to achieve my dream of turning effluence into free-electricity. Although, with the way the household bills are going, it is tempting. Most of my to-dos are in fact far more simple like ' I will try to eat more ethically produced food' and 'I will tidy up the garage'. It is the long range to-do that is more important but I hope the little ones will get me closer to it; 

To live more self-sufficiently, on my own land.

 How will tidying the garage make this possible? Well, watch this space. 

And, no I haven't forgotten that I said something about explaining the bears. I'll get there in the end. Bear with me.

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